- [S1] Personal knowledge of Jerry Dalley, 02 Feb 2011.
- [S2] Unknown record type, unknown repository address.
- [S3] Unknown record type, unknown repository address.
- [S4] Unknown record type, unknown repository address.
- [S5] Unknown record type, unknown repository address.
- [S6] Unknown record type, unknown repository address.
- [S8] Unknown record type, unknown repository address.
- [S10] This is an estimate or calculation based on other known facts.
- [S11] Unknown record type (unknown file date).
- [S12] California Marriage Index 1960-1985.
- [S13] Calif Death Index.
- [S14] Unknown subject, unknown file number, Social Security Death Index (SSDI), unknown series.
- [S15] Unknown name of person, unknown ship name unknown record type.
- [S16] "Unknown short record title."
- [S17] Letter, Judy ___ (daughter of Cathrine Fotens Fialho) to Sally Fotens Dalley, 20 Apr 1996 (postmark).
- [S18] Tbd, "Sally's Family Group Sheet."
- [S19] Database online, unknown repository address.
- [S20] Unknown record type.
- [S21] State St Presbyterian Church Marrige Register: entry for unknown spouses' names unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S22] Birth record.
- [S23] Massachusetts Marriages, 1695-1910.
- [S24] Massachusetts Marriages, 1841-1915.
- [S26] Birth record.
- [S27] Massachusetts Deaths, 1841-1915.
- [S28] District of Columbia Marriages, 1830-1921.